Help Us Help Our Parks

Help Us Help Our Parks

We are dedicated to building awareness and creating meaningful change for our National Parks and National Park Service Properties.

The future of our parks is under threat - there is a $9.5 billion maintenance backlog plaguing the park system, non-native species destroying natural ecosystems, climate change... the list goes on.

It's our shared responsibility to preserve our parks for future generations.

You're not just getting an awesome piece of apparel when you buy a Love Our Parks product - you are also helping our parks and that's something to be proud of!

Every month, we donate 10% of our net revenues to a National Parks related charity.

This is an update to our original model, where a wide majority of our products included a donation to a non-profit related to the product's specific park.

Now - ALL of our products are included in our fundraising.

Every month we will be announcing a new Featured Charity of the Month and we will make a donation to that non-profit at the end of the month.

This model increases transparency to our customers and consolidates charitable funds into one larger (and more impactful) donation instead of many smaller donations to various different groups.

So Let's Make a Difference, Together!

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